Bombora Intent Targeting Playbook Guide

What are Bombora Intent Targeting Playbooks

Bombora Intent Targeting Playbooks offers you a pre-packaged way to efficiently use Bombora Company Surge® intent signals by serving web ads to accounts demonstrating interest in specific Intent Topics. Bombora Company Surge® intent surfaces accounts that are researching topics related to an industry, category, or product based on their content consumption across the B2B Web. Learn more here.

Launching Bombora Intent Playbooks provides the following benefits:

  • Uncover and engage accounts in early buying cycles, before they have visited your website.
  • Quickly activate more targeted and effective account engagement.
  • Help optimize your budget for improved ABM program ROI.

  Other intent sources are not available

When launching a Bombora Intent Targeting Playbook you can only use Bombora Company Surge® Intent Topics as your source of account intent. You will not be able to select RollWorks Keyword Intent or G2 Buyer Intent as your intent source.

To triangulate true intent to purchase we recommend you launch an Account Targeting Playbook using an intent-based Account List that combines multiple intent sources:


Who can access

Your access to launch Intent Targeting Playbooks depends on your RollWorks package:

RollWorks package Can I launch Intent Playbooks?
Account Based Advertising

You cannot launch Intent Targeting Playbooks but can achieve the same goal by following the 3 steps below:

Account Based Marketing + Advertising
Account Based Marketing
Free  Not included
Starter (Legacy)

You cannot launch Intent Targeting Playbooks but can achieve the same goal by following the 3 steps below:

Standard (Legacy)


Yes, you can launch unlimited Intent Targeting Playbooks but we recommend that instead, you launch Account Targeting Playbooks using an intent-based Account List that combines multiple intent sources to triangulate true intent to purchase.

Professional (Legacy)

Ultimate (Legacy)

To find your current package, log in to RollWorks and navigate to Settings > Billing > Plans & Usage.


Launch a Bombora Intent Targeting Playbook

Before you start

To use the Bombora Intent Targeting Playbook, you must first complete the following steps in the RollWorks Platform:

Now you are ready to create and launch an Intent Targeting Playbook:

  • Log in to RollWorks and navigate to Advertising > Campaigns & Playbooks > Create > Web Advertising Playbook.


  • Select Bombora Intent Targeting 

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Step 1: Select your Audience: Account Lists, Bombora Intent Filtering and Exclusions

  • Select the Account List and Account Group that you want to target with Ads.
  • Customize the available Bombora Intent Filtering to specify the accounts you will target. RollWorks will update the accounts you target every week as new intent data is synced into RollWorks based on these filters.

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Select Bombora Intent Level

  • Medium to Very High.
  • High to Very High.
  • Very High Only.

Select Bombora Intent Signal Recency:

  • Last 7 days.
  • Last 30 days.
  • Last 90 days.

Select the Bombora Intent Topics that will be used in this Playbook.


Where do these Intent Topics come from?

The intent Topics you can select here are account-based intent signals powered by Bombora Company Surge®. The options you can choose from are limited to the current Intent Topics you chose to monitor in RollWorks. Click here to learn how to change your Intent Topics.

You cannot select RollWorks Keyword Intent or G2 Buyer Intent when launching an Intent Playbook. We strongly recommend you launch an Account Targeting Playbook using an intent-based Account List that combines multiple intent sources to triangulate true intent to purchase.

  • Select General Exclusions - Decide if the customers you defined previously in General Exclusions should be targeted or not in this Playbook. We will automatically exclude your competitors and coworkers if you have them set up within your General Exclusion Settings. 


Step 2: Layer the Buyer Persona attributes

In this second step, you will define the criteria for your Playbook's  Buyer Persona, these are the attributes that define the people you want to target. 

  • Country: Use Geography to target specific countries. Selecting specific countries will not factor into the Potential Audience estimate for this Playbook, but will be applied as a filter in targeting once the Playbook is running.

  Geotargeting limitations

Granular geotargeting based on zip code, city metropolitan area, or state is not available with Playbooks.

If you want to select a global region, for example, APAC, you will need to manually select all the countries individually.




Step 3: Select Creatives for Each Campaign

  • Select Ads for both parts of the  Playbook by clicking Set Up. You will select which Ads you want to use in 1. Unaware and 2. Aware. 

    You can only select ads created/edited within the last year

    When adding existing ads to your campaign you can only select ads last modified within the last year. If you need to select ads last modified more than a year ago, navigate to the Ad Library and make any edit to the ad. The ad will now be displayed in the campaign setup page.


    See this Ad Creative Best Practice guide to learn how to select creative content that matches your customers' stage in the marketing funnel.


Step 4: Select Budget & Schedule

Continue to set up your budget and schedule for this Playbook. While you enter the details below you will see the estimated Reach Forecast on the right side.

  • Select Budget Type:
      • Ongoing: Select this option for campaigns that will run indefinitely.
      • Fixed Dates: Select if you want to run this playbook during a specific date range.


  • For Ongoing budget:
    • Select a Start Date between Immediately or Future Date.
    • Enter your Monthly Budget, RollWorks will aim to spend this amount monthly.
  • For Fixed Dates budget:
      • Select a Start Date.
      • Select an End Date.
  • Enter your Total Budget, this is the total spend for the duration of the playbook.
  • Select Day Parting:
          • Show Ads 24/7 - Your Playbook will run 24/7 without interruption.
          • Pause on Weekends - Your Playbook will run 24/7 on weekdays and pause on weekends.
          • Custom Day Parting - Your Playbook will run on specific days and hours


Step 5: Review and Launch

  • Review that all the configurations in your playbook are correct: Audience, Campaigns, and Budget.
  • Add a Playbook Name to easily identify your Playbook in the RollWorks platform and reports.
  • Click Launch.


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Best Practices

  • An Intent Targeting Playbook is one way you can activate an Account-Based strategy with limited resources, as well as reach users earlier on in their buying process based on 3rd party research they are consuming.
      • If your budget is not sufficient, limit it to only targeting the highest surging accounts and/or accounts surging more recently.
      • If your audience size is too small, try broadening your Intent Filtering, Buyer Persona and/or include additional accounts in your Target Account List.
  • If you want to use different messaging for specific Intent Topics, use a new Intent Targeting Playbook for each creative and topic alignment. 


Use Cases

  • Prospecting: Prioritize accounts for top-of-funnel digital advertising and/or prioritize accounts for Sales outreach
  • Content Personalization: Customize messaging for intent-topic-based sub-segments
  • Retention: Identify at-risk customers
  • Learn more about Bombora Company Surge intent data here


Bombora Intent Targeting Playbook FAQ

What geotargeting options are available in Playbooks?

You can select one or multiple countries as your geotargeting filter.

  • Granular geotargeting based on zip code, city metropolitan area, or state is not available with Playbooks.
  • Global geotargeting based on a global region, for example, APAC, is not available. As a workaround, you can manually select all the countries individually.

You can read more on Geotargeting options for Playbooks here.


How can I find how many Bombora intent topics I have available?

To find out how many Intent topics are available under your RollWorks subscription package, log in to your RollWorks account and go to Insights > Intent Data > Company Surge > Edit Topics to view your topics and how many do you have available.


What types of creatives are supported in Playbooks?

The types of creative ads you can use in Playbooks depends on your package. Click in the articles below to find if they are included in your RollWorks package:


Can I make changes to a Playbook once it is live?

Yes, the following actions are available after launch: Edit, Pause, Clone, and Delete.


Why is my Account List grayed out during the Intent Playbook setup?

If you are using Bombora Company Surge intent data as an input to create your Account List, you will not be able to launch an Intent Playbook targeting this Account List. Instead, try launching an Account Targeting Playbook.


Can I run Bombora Intent Playbooks at the same time as Account Targeting Playbooks?

Yes, you can run Bombora Intent Playbooks and Account Targeting Playbooks simultaneously. 

If you are targeting the same Account List in a Bombora Intent Playbook and an Account Targeting Playbook, the Accounts will only be targeted within the Bombora Intent Playbook until the account stops surging with Intent.

Note: Due to the time it takes for RollWorks's infrastructure to update many systems it is still possible to serve some impressions to an account in both Playbooks as the audiences get updated to be targeted or excluded as the account surges in Bombora Company Surge intent.


Can the same account be targeted through multiple Playbooks?

  • If you run different types of Playbooks simultaneously:
    • We will automatically exclude any accounts in your 'Bombora Intent Targeting Playbook' from your 'Account Targeting Playbook' to avoid overlap. 
    • We will automatically exclude any accounts in your 'Bombora Intent Targeting Playbook' from your 'Website Retargeting Playbooks' to avoid overlap.
    • We will automatically exclude any accounts in your 'Account Targeting Playbooks' from your 'Website Retargeting Playbooks' to avoid overlap.
    • Due to the time it takes for RollWorks's infrastructure to update many systems it is still possible to serve some impressions to an account in both Playbooks as the audiences get updated to be targeted or excluded as the account surges in Bombora Company Surge intent.


What is the list of Bombora Intent Topics available?

An up-to-date list of the Intent Topics in the Bombora taxonomy can be found here.


How is 'Currently Targeting' calculated for Playbooks?

Currently targeting refers to all the cookies that go into bidding. It refers to the potential audience. Whether a cookie sees or not an ad will depend on how the bid goes and things such as the budget being enough etc.

You can find Currently Targeting by navigating to any Playbook Summary page.

  • Navigate to Advertising > Campaigns & Playbooks.
  • Clicking the Playbooks tab.
  • Click the Playbook Name for which you want to see the data.



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