ABMA Onboarding: Reporting Sources to Measure your ABM and Advertising Program

Now that you have launched your ABM playbooks and campaigns it's time to measure the performance and business impact of your programs using the following reporting sources. 

Native RollWorks Reports

Report Name Description Resources
Revenue Impact Report The purpose of the Revenue Impact report is to help you understand, measure and articulate to your business how RollWorks account-based advertising helps your company generate revenue and improve your business outcomes and efficiency.  Revenue Impact Report

RollWorks Advertising Engagement Report

The RollWorks Advertising Engagement Report measures the impact of your Account-Based strategy across multiple advertising and revenue performance metrics. This report aggregates data from your Website Campaigns, Website Playbooks, and LinkedIn Campaigns launched in RollWorks.  Understand your RollWorks Advertising Engagement Report

Playbook Summary Page

Understand account-based metrics such as Accounts Reached, Accounts Visited, Account Engaged, and the number of unique visitors/page views in the Campaigns and Playbooks tab. Measuring Playbook Performance

Campaign Summary Page

Understand efficiency media metrics such as CPM, CTR, and CPC. Campaigns Summary Page Guide
Scheduled Reports  Scheduled Reports are customizable reporting templates, inclusive of a variety of metrics, that can be exported on-demand or can be scheduled to be emailed to different users on a regular basis. This includes the following reports: Reports & Measurement

Salesforce Reports

The integration with Salesforce will sync advertising and identification RollWorks data to Salesforce on a daily basis. Upon the initial installation, 5 out-of-the-box reports will be automatically created for you. We suggest that you start by getting familiar with these default reports before you start customizing them or creating your own.

RollWorks Account Advertising L90 days

Customizable report that surfaces spend, impression, click, and conversion data for accounts targeted in RollWorks. This report will show any contacts with at least 1 impression in the last 90 days, grouped by Account Owner.

  • Account Owner - The report is grouped by this field
  • Account Name
  • Account Website
  • Account Ad Spend in the last 90 days
  • Account Ad Impressions in the last 90 days
  • Account Ad Clicks in the last 90 days
  • Account Conversions in the last 90 days (sum of all conversions, both attributed and not attributed to RollWorks)
  • Account View-Through Conversions (VTC) in the last 90 days (only attributed to RollWorks)
  • Account Click-Through Conversions (CTC) in the last 90 days (only attributed to RollWorks)
  • RollWorks Aggregated Data ID - click this hyperlink to see the RW record for a specific Account

The advertising metrics above are aggregated for each account for the last 90 days. For each RollWorks advertising metric above we provide 3 different custom fields to replicate this report using different look-back periods: last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 90 days.

RollWorks Contact Advertising L90 days
Customizable report that surfaces spend, impression, click, and conversion data for contacts targeted in RollWorks. This report will show any contacts with at least 1 impression in the last 90 days, grouped by Account Name.
  • Account Name - The report is grouped by this field
  • Contact Name, Contact Last Name
  • Contact Title
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Ad Spend in the last 90 days
  • Contact Ad Impressions in the last 90 days
  • Contact Ad Clicks in the last 90 days
  • Contact Conversions in the last 90 days (sum of all conversions, both attributed and not attributed to RollWorks)
  • Contact View-Through Conversions (VTC) in the last 90 days (only attributed to RollWorks)
  • Contact Click-Through Conversions (CTC) in the last 90 days (only attributed to RollWorks)
  • RollWorks Aggregated Data ID - click this hyperlink to see the RW record for a specific Contact

The advertising metrics above are aggregated for each contact for the last 90 days. For each RollWorks advertising metric above we provide 3 different custom fields to replicate this report using different look-back periods: last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 90 days.

RollWorks Lead Advertising L90 days
Customizable report that surfaces spend, impression, click, and conversion data for leads targeted in RollWorks grouped by Account Owner. This report will show any leads with at least 1 impression in the last 90 days.
  • Lead Name, Lead Last Name
  • Lead Title
  • Lead Email
  • Ad Spend in the last 90 days
  • Ad Impressions in the last 90 days
  • Ad Clicks in the last 90 days
  • Conversions in the last 90 days (sum of all conversions, both attributed and not attributed to RollWorks)
  • View-Through Conversions (VTC) in the last 90 days (only attributed to RollWorks)
  • Click-Through Conversions (CTC) in the last 90 days (only attributed to RollWorks)
  • RollWorks Aggregated Data ID - click this hyperlink to see the RW record for a specific Lead

The advertising metrics above are aggregated for each lead for the last 90 days. For each RollWorks advertising metric above we provide 3 different custom fields to replicate this report using different look-back periods: last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 90 days.

RollWorks Sales Insights Spiking Account

Only after you have completed the initial setup of Sales Insights and you have assigned Sales Insights seats to your sales team, this report will will begin populating data. The RollWorks Sales Insights Spiking Account report will show you a list of Accounts spiking based on our proprietary account spike data science model, showing accounts with increased levels of engagement compared to a previous 3 business day baseline. Learn how Account Spikes are calculated here.

This report is grouped by Account Owner and includes the following columns:

  • Account Owner - The report is grouped by this field
  • Account Name 
  • Account Website
  • Spike Level - Website and advertising engagement level for the account compared to a prior activity, calculated based on our proprietary Account Spike data science model. 
  • Spike Reason - The specific engagement actions that occurred leading to the last Account Spike, calculated based on our proprietary Account Spike data science model. 
  • Spike Date - Last date an Account Spike in website and ad engagement was captured for the account. Calculated based on our proprietary Account Spike data science model. 
  • Spike: Number of Matched Contacts - Number of contacts that contributed to the Account Spike event. If we are able to match the Spike for this Account to any of your existing CRM contacts at the moment the Spike happened this field will indicate how many contacts were matched. if we are not able to match a contact this field will be 0. Please note that we only match 'Spike: Number of Matched Contacts' against contact records, leads are excluded.
  • RollWorks Aggregated Data ID - click this hyperlink to see the RW record for a specific Account
Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 12.20.36 PM.png
RollWorks Account Insights

Customizable report that surfaces that surfaces fit, intent, engagement and other account data based on configurations in RollWorks. This report is filtered to show only Accounts that are on a specific Journey Stage. If the Journey Stage is blank, they will not appear in this report.

  • Account Owner - The report is grouped by this field
  • Current Journey Stage  - Journey Stage the account is currently in. Journey Stage will not be synced if the Account does not meet the criteria of any of your stages. Learn more about journey Stages here.
  • Account Name
  • Account Website
  • Account Very High Intent Keywords in the last 7 days This field will show you which keyword the account is demonstrating a Very High level of intent. Very High level means the account is consuming content related to that keyword in the top 1% of all other keywords tracked by RollWorks. 
  • Account Count of Very High Intent Keywords in the last 7 days - Number of keywords the account is surging with Very High Intent in the last 7 days. Very High level means the account is consuming content related to that keyword in the top 1% of all other keywords tracked by RollWorks. 
  • Account High Intent Keywords in the last 7 days - This field will show you which keyword the account is demonstrating High level of intent. High Level means the account is consuming content related to that keyword in the top 10% of all other keywords tracked by RollWorks.account is demonstrating intent at a High level.
  • Account Count of High Intent Keywords in the last 7 days Number of keywords the account is surging with Very High Intent in the last 7 days. High Level means the account is consuming content related to that keyword in the top 10% of all other keywords tracked by RollWorks.account is demonstrating intent at a High level.
  • Account Page Views in the last 90 days - Count of all Page Views for an Account during the specified look-back days.
  • Account Unique Visitors in the last 90 days - Count of Unique Visitors for an Account during the specified look-back days.
  • ICP 1 Name - Name of the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) associated with a fit grade. Learn how we determine ICP Fit Grade here.
  • ICP Fit Grade - Fit grade from A to F used to score the account based on the account's resemblance to your ICP model. 
  • RollWorks Aggregated Data ID- click this hyperlink to see the RW record for a specific Account

In addition to the 5 out-the-box reports your CRM admin can build custom reports for you. Share the resources below with your CRM Admin:

Resource Description How to
Data is available in Salesforce custom objects to build custom reports

RollWorks will automatically create custom objects and custom fields in your Salesforce instance to write advertising and identification data. 

The custom objects and custom fields containing RollWorks data are linked directly to your AccountContact, and Lead records in Salesforce.

RollWorks data available in Salesforce custom objects

HubSpot Reports

The integration with HubSpot enables you to view advertising performance and ad-influenced revenue directly in HubSpot to measure the impact of your ABM program.

You will have the ability to create reports and dashboards in HubSpot using our step-by-step instructions or your own requirements. This article includes all RollWorks data fields synced to HubSpot properties.

Your CRM Admin must create reports from scratch

Upon completing the HubSpot integration with RollWorks, reports and dashboards are not automatically created. Contact your CRM administrator to create and share the reports in this article with your team.

Dashboards recommended Reports recommended How to use them
RollWorks Account Engagement Dashboard
  • Count of Companies by Account List
  • Count of Companies by Journey Stage 
  • Count of Companies by ICP Fit Grade
  • Number of Deals by Account List
  • Number of Deals by Fit Grade
  • Number of Deals by Active Campaign
  • Number of Deals by Journey Stage

Use RollWorks data to understand how the Companies in your HubSpot CRM are engaging with your site, and your ads. Understand how Companies are progressing down the funnel with Journey Stages and how they fit your Ideal Customer Profile.

Learn how to create this dashboard here.

RollWorks Account Spike Dashboard
  • Report: Pass "spiking" accounts to my sales team
  • Report: Spiking Companies per Campaign

  • Report: Spiking Companies per Journey Stage

See what Companies are showing the highest web engagement, or as we call it: Spike.

“Spike Level” will rank the level of engagement shown by the Company (High🔥🔥🔥, Medium🔥🔥, or Low🔥).

 “Spike Date” will let you know when the engagement occurred.

 “Last Spike has Matched Contacts” will indicate if RollWorks has been able to de-anonymize the visitor against your Contacts.

Learn how to create these reports here.

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