Launch LinkedIn Campaigns in RollWorks

There are two different ways to use RollWorks data to target LinkedIn members with advertising campaigns. Do you need help to decide which option is right for you? Learn more about both options and choose the right one for you here.

Options How to
Option 1. Push your RollWorks audiences to LinkedIn and launch and manage your campaigns directly through LinkedIn Campaign Manager. Jump to this help center article.
Option 2. Launch and manage your LinkedIn campaigns directly from the RollWorks platform.
Continue reading this article.

  You cannot use Media Credits for LinkedIn Campaigns

If you have LinkedIn credits or RollWorks media credits as part of your contract, they cannot be used towards your LinkedIn campaign spend. RollWorks will bill you for your LinkedIn Campaign spend separately from your Media Credits.


Type of Audiences Supported

Supported Not Supported

Account Lists

Account Groups

Website Audiences

Contact Audiences


Supported Features

Supported Not Supported

✅  Reach unknown contacts in your Account Lists with sponsored content single image ads to drive awareness and nurture buyers with targeted messaging.

✅ Measure your LinkedIn campaign performance at a campaign level and at an account level directly in RollWorks.

✅ Layer your Account Lists and Groups with one of the following combinations of LinkedIn Buyer Persona attributes:

  • 'Title'

  • 'Job Function'

  • 'Seniority'

  • 'Seniority' AND 'Job Function' combined

Due to LinkedIn requirements, you can't combine 'Title' AND 'Seniority' together or 'Title' & 'Job Function' together.

🚫 Retargeting people who visited your website, or that filled out a form on your website with LinkedIn ads.

🚫 Using the following LinkedIn buyer persona target options: Member Skills, Years of Experience, Member Interests, Member Groups, Age, Gender.

🚫 Use carousel ads, video ads, single job ads, event ads, lead generation, and any ad formats other than sponsored content single image ads.

🚫 Pushing your RollWorks Audiences to more than one LinkedIn Ad Account.

🚫 If you have LinkedIn credits or RollWorks media credits as part of your contract, they cannot be used towards your LinkedIn campaign spend. RollWorks will bill you for your LinkedIn Campaign spend separately from your Media Credits.


Who can access

Access to the RollWorks<>LinkedIn Integration to advertise to your LinkedIn Audiences using RollWorks data depends on your RollWorks package:

Your Package LinkedIn Integration
Account Based Advertising Included
Account Based Marketing + Advertising Included
Account Based Marketing Included
Starter (Legacy) Included
Standard (Legacy) Included
Professional (Legacy) Included
Ultimate (Legacy) Included
Free Tier Not Included

To find your current package, log in to RollWorks and navigate to Settings > Billing > Plans & Usage.


Before you start

The following are steps you must complete before you launch your first LinkedIn Campaign directly within RollWorks:


Launch a LinkedIn Campaign

Watch this video to learn how to launch a LinkedIn Campaign or follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to RollWorks and navigate to Advertising 
  2. Click Campaigns & Playbooks
  3. Click Create
  4. Select LinkedIn



Step 1. Select your Campaign Settings

  1. Enter a Campaign Name, please enter a campaign name using your own naming convention that will help you to identify this campaign in RollWork reports and dashboards.
  2. Select a Budget Type. There are multiple options, continue reading this article to learn what are the options available.
  3. Select your Campaign Schedule (start and end dates)
  4. Enter your Budget. Depending on the Budget type you selected you will see different options, continue reading this article to learn what are the options available.

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Budget & Schedule options available

There are two types of Start Dates available to set your campaign schedule:

  • Enter a specific date in the future [MM/DD/YYYY].
  • Start Immediately. If you choose this option your campaign will be scheduled to start within a few hours.

There are three Budget types available to set up your campaign: Ongoing Daily, Ongoing Monthly, and Fixed dates.

Description Setup in the platform

Ongoing Daily: Set an average daily budget for the duration of your LinkedIn campaign.

This option will set up your campaign to run indefinitely until you manually stop it.

The minimum budget for this option is $10/daily (USD).

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Ongoing Monthly: Set an average monthly budget for the duration of your campaign.

This option will set up your campaign to run indefinitely until you manually stop it.

The minimum budget for this option is $310/monthly (USD).

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Fixed dates: Set a total budget for the fixed duration of your campaign. Your Total budget cannot be lower than $10/daily or $310/monthly (USD) based on the duration of your campaign.

This option will prompt you to select a specific campaign end date when your campaign will stop serving ads automatically.

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Recommendations to choose your budget

We recommend allocating $0.25 - $0.50 per member per month. You can calculate your budget based on the 'Estimated LinkedIn Members' that is shown when you are creating your LinkedIn Campaign in RollWorks and defining your LinkedIn Audience. 

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Step 2. Define your Audience 


The audience that you define in this step must result in a minimum of 300 matched LinkedIn profiles for your campaign to be able to display ads. Your audience will be matched against 800M+ LinkedIn profiles, so it may take up to 24 hours to be ready.

Next, will define your target audience to serve them ads on LinkedIn by selecting an 'Account List', 'Account Group', 'Country', and 'Buyer Persona Attributes' (LinkedIn Title, Job Function, or Seniority). Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the Account List you want to use as your target audience.
  2. Select the Account Group you want to use as your target audience.
  3. Select the Country filter you want to add to your audience.
  4. Select the Buyer Persona Attributes filters that will define your audience. The different Buyer Persona Attributes available here are native LinkedIn filters that we automatically surface in RollWorks. Continue reading to learn more about how to configure these LinkedIn Buyer Persona Attributes.
  5. Mark the checkbox called Enable the LinkedIn Audience Network. This will increase your reach significantly by serving ads not only natively on LinkedIn but on LinkedIn's partner apps and websites.

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Buyer Persona Attributes options available

Buyer Persona Attributes Description and Recommendations

 Use Job Function AND Seniority combined


🏆 RollWorks recommended option

Combining the Job Function option with the Seniority option to reach decision-makers with specific expertise. This option will result in a broader reach than using only Titles.

For example, if you’re looking to reach decision-makers in the Finance department, try targeting the Finance and Accounting Job Functions and also combine your logic with the Job Seniorities attributes of CXO, Director, Owner, VP, and Senior.

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Use Title alone

When members update their LinkedIn profile with a new role, these Job Titles are grouped by LinkedIn’s algorithms and organized into standardized Titles you can use for your campaign targeting.

Avoid limiting your reach by targeting only a few titles. When you begin entering a title in the tool. Including all relevant titles will ensure your campaign has adequate reach. For example, the title 'Vice President Finance' is different than 'Assistant Vice President', 'Finance VP' and 'Senior VP, Finance'. 

Use Job Function alone

Job Functions are based on standardized groupings of the job titles entered by LinkedIn members. For example, a doctor would fall under the Medical function along with members with similar occupations such as nurses, veterinarians, surgeons, and dentists. 

There are 26 LinkedIn available functional areas to choose from.

Use Seniority alone

Job Seniority describes the rank and influence of a member’s current role in their organization. This option is determined by a member’s job title. For some campaigns, targeting by seniority can be an effective way to reach those with influence over a buying decision.

There are 10 LinkedIn available levels of seniority to choose from.

Use Title AND Seniority combined 🚫 Due to LinkedIn requirements, you can't combine 'Title' with 'Seniority' together in the same audience.
Use Title AND Job Function combined 🚫 Due to LinkedIn requirements, you can't combine 'Title' with 'Job Function' together in the same audience.


Recommendations to define your Buyer Persona attributes

We recommend that you use both Job Function AND Seniority combined as the Buyer Persona Attributes to filter your target audience unless your target buyer persona is very specific.

If you decide to use the attribute Title alone, be sure to use as many variations of the title as possible:

  • For example, a high-level decision-maker in the Marketing department of a target company could have a title as varied as Senior VP of Marketing, SVP of Marketing, VP of Marketing, Senior Director of Marketing, Director of Demand Gen, Marketing Director, Senior Marketing Director, or Vice President of Marketing depending on the company structure or title ranking.
  • All of these, despite largely describing the same thing, would be considered separate titles on LinkedIn, so it’s vital to use as many variations as possible of a given title to make sure you are targeting everybody you want to.

Increase the size of your audience and reach by adding more values to the Buyer Persona Attribute filters. 

  • For example, as you add multiple values to the filter 'Title' like Business Development, Marketing, and Sales, your estimated audience size will increase as your target audience only needs to match one of these values, broadening your audience size.


Step 3. Select your Ads

The table below indicates which LinkedIn ad types are supported when launching campaigns directly from RollWorks.

Supported Not Supported

Sponsored content single image Ads

Learn more about the creative specs for this ad type in this help center guide.

🚫 Sponsored content video ads

🚫 Sponsored content carousel ads

🚫 Sponsored content event ads

🚫 Sponsored conversation ads

🚫 Sponsored message ads

🚫 Lead gen forms

🚫 Text ads

🚫 Spotlight ads

🚫 Follower ads

If you would like to use any of these ad types you may push RollWorks audiences to LinkedIn to run campaigns natively on LinkedIn instead. Learn more about pushing RollWorks audiences to LinkedIn.

  • Select the Ads you want to display in this campaign:
    • Click 'Choose' to select ads that you have already added to your Ad library

You can only select ads created/edited within the last year

When adding existing ads to your campaign you can only select ads last modified within the last year. If you need to select ads last modified more than a year ago, navigate to the Ad Library and make any edit to the ad. The ad will now be displayed in the campaign setup page.

    • Click 'Upload' to add new Ads

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Recommendations to set up your ad creatives

  • By default, LinkedIn sets ad frequency caps to limit the number of times the same LinkedIn member sees the same ad:
      • The same ad can only be displayed 4 times in total to the same member.
      • The same ad can only be displayed once every 48 hours to the same member.
  • We recommend that you increase this default frequency cap by uploading multiple versions of the same creative ad to your campaign to display ads to your audience over a longer period of time with the purpose of keeping your brand top of mind and providing subtle different reasons to engage to the members reached:
      • Add up to 15 different creative ads per LinkedIn campaign.
      • You don’t have to come up with a completely different creative execution for each version. Changing headlines, your message, or your images is a good approach to creating variations of the same ad.


Step 4. Launch your Campaign

  • Click 'Launch'. If you missed any required fields to set up your campaign you will be prompted to enter them.  


Edit a Campaign

  • Sign in to RollWorks and navigate to Engage > Ad Campaigns
  • Click the name of the specific campaign to open it
  • Click Edit

You can edit the following campaign details:

  • Budget Amount
  • Target Accounts
  • Buyer Persona Attributes
  • Ads

You cannot edit the following LinkedIn campaign details:

  • Budget Type: You cannot change between 'Ongoing Daily' and 'Ongoing Monthly'. To change the budget type for an active campaign you will have to create a new campaign.



Below you will find the most common issues that other RollWorks customers encounter when running LinkedIn Campaigns directly from RollWorks, and the recommended steps to troubleshoot them

Missing advertising metrics

If you select a date range where we do not record activity meeting LinkedIn's privacy threshold for a given account within the date range, we will show a warning indicating that we do not have sufficient data to share. 

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The LinkedIn campaign is not spending

  • LinkedIn requires a minimum of 300 members matched in order for the campaign to serve. If you do not meet this minimum, add more companies to your account list to increase the size of your matched audience segment.
  • Verify that your defined audience is not too restrictive. If you are targeting specific job titles, it is recommended that you use multiple variations of a title to maximize reach.
  • Opt into LinkedIn Audience Network (LinkedIn's partner apps and websites) will improve reach by up to 25%.


Specific Job Titles are not available

When LinkedIn members update their LinkedIn profile with a new role, these Job Titles are grouped by LinkedIn’s algorithms and organized into standardized Titles you can use for your campaign targeting.

The Job Titles you can select in RollWorks when creating a LinkedIn Campaign are the standardized titles defined by LinkedIn. When new standardized titles are created by LinkedIn, they will also appear in RollWorks. This data is synched daily between LinkedIn and RollWorks.

If the specific job title you would like to use is not available in the RollWorks LinkedIn Campaign Title dropdown, it means that that specific title is not a standardized title. If you encounter this we recommend the following:

  • Try searching for a different job title that matches LinkedIn's standardization.
  • Define your persona by combining Job Function + Seniority instead of Title.


Common LinkedIn Buyer Personas

To help you determine what to select when dealing with common personas, we have created a list of the most common examples. The attributes used to build these personas are just a general recommendation, feel free to adjust the exact attributes being targeted in order to make sure your audience size is aligned to your available budget!


Persona: Product Management decision-makers

Product Manager LI.png

Persona: IT and Engineering decision-makers

LinkedIn IT DM.png

Persona: Risk and Compliance/Legal decision-makers

LI Risk and Compliance.png


Persona: Data Science/Data Analytics/Data Titles decision-makers

You are best off choosing from a variety of specific "Data" related titles when targeting this persona via LinkedIn. 

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Persona: VP of Finance or Finance decision-makers

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Persona: Project Managers decision-makers

LI Project Manager.png


Persona: CyberSecurity or Security Ops decision-makers

LI Security.png


Persona: RevOps/Sales Operations

LI RevOps.png

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