ABMA Onboarding: Advertising campaigns to help complement your ABM program

When using ABM coupled with Advertising, you will have the ability to make your advertising more targeted and maximize spend. Check out the different types of campaigns and Playbooks you can run to complement your ABM strategy.

Launch an Account Targeting Program

 To launch an Account Targeting program RollWorks offers two options:

  1. Launch an Account Targeting Playbook (recommended)
  2. Launch an Account Targeting Campaign
Choose a Playbook if... Choose a Campaign if...
  • You want an easy and simple way to manage your advertising campaigns on your own.
  • You want RollWorks machine learning to recommend the ideal budget based on your audience.
  • You want to launch a set of highly customized campaigns that are not currently supported with Playbooks.
  • You want to customize the audience segments to exclude and target in a way that is not currently supported with our Playbooks.

Playbooks allows you to serve web ads to specific buyer personas based on the Job Function, Seniority, and user-level Bombora Intent Topics defined within your defined Target Accounts. 

You will select the account lists and account groups based on the segmentation use cases we outlined in the strategy setup article.  As a refresher, the most common use cases include:

  • ICP Fit Grade and Intent signals to target unaware and engaged accounts. You can expand from there based on your available budget.
  • Create an Account Group based on the ‘Sales Ready’ journey stage.

The Account Targeting Playbook includes 2 individual campaigns 1.) Unaware and 2.) Aware.  We recommend aligning your ad creative for each campaign. 

Your tasks Feature unlocked Instructions

☑️ Launch an Account Targeting Playbook.


☑️ Launch an Account Targeting Campaign.

Measure the impact of your Account Targeting Playbooks and review performance metrics on the Playbook Summary page


Measure the impact of your Account Targeting campaign and review performance metrics in the Campaign Summary page.


Read this guide to learn more about the key differences between Campaigns and Playbooks.

Read this guide to learn how to launch an Account Targeting Playbook.

Read this guide to learn how to launch an Account Targeting campaign. 




Launch a Website Retargeting Program

In addition to Account Targeting, we recommend running a complimentary Website Retargeting as a part of your advertising strategy. Website retargeting allows you to serve ads to users that have already visited your website, with the goal of generating form-fill leads.


Some common use cases include:

  • Re-engage all your website visitors to keep your brand and product top of mind for everyone who has visited your website at least once.
  • Re-engage specific web page visitors: Create specific ad creatives for different groups of visitors to boost performance. For example:
    • visitors who have viewed specific product pages.
    • visitors who have viewed your pricing page.
    • visitors who visited your demo page, a white paper, or a case study.
    • visitors who visited multiple pages while browsing your website (for example +3 pages).

To launch a retargeting advertising strategy RollWorks offers two options:

  1. Launch a Website Retargeting Playbook
  2. Launch a Website Retargeting Campaign

While the underlying retargeting algorithm is the same for campaigns and playbooks there are some differences in their settings capabilities. You have the ability to choose which option is best for you depending on your goals, the complexity of your strategy, your budget, and your total website traffic.

Choose a Playbook if... Choose a Campaign if...
  • You want to retarget 100% of your website traffic.
  • You want an easy and simple way to manage your advertising campaigns on your own.
  • You want RollWorks machine learning to recommend the ideal budget based on your audience.
  • You don't want to retarget 100% of your website traffic.
  • You want to launch advanced retargeting strategies based on site-visitor activities; this will require setting up your Website Audiences and calculating budgets manually.
  • You want to launch a set of highly customized campaigns that are not currently supported with Playbooks.
  • You want to customize the audience segments to exclude and target in a way that is not currently supported with our Playbooks.
Once you decide if you prefer to launch a Web Retargeting Playbook or a Campaign complete the tasks below:
Your tasks Feature unlocked Instructions

☑️ Launch a Website Retargeting Campaign.


☑️ Launch a Website Retargeting Playbook.



Measure the impact of your Website Retargeting program and review performance metrics on the Playbook Summary page




Read this guide to learn more about the key differences between Campaigns and Playbooks.

Read this guide to learn how to launch a Web Retargeting Playbook.

Read this guide to learn how to launch a Web Retargeting campaign. 

Launch a Contact Targeting Campaign

Reach a known Contact Audience by serving ads across the web and social platforms with a specific end goal in mind, for example, brand awareness. 

Contact Targeting campaigns are great to use around events (trade shows, conferences, etc), for cross-sale/up-sale plays for your current customer list, and to reach contacts that are key buyers of an account.

Your tasks Feature unlocked Instructions

☑️ Create a Contact List in RollWorks depending on the use case.

☑️ Launch a Contact Targeting campaign.

Measure the impact of your Contact Targeting campaign and review performance metrics in the Playbook Summary page

Read this guide to create your contact lists.

Read this guide to launch your first Contact Targeting campaign.

Choose how to advertise on LinkedIn

There are two ways to target LinkedIn members with advertising using RollWorks data. These options include:

  1. Directly in RollWorks, you can launch sponsored LinkedIn ad campaigns and measure this performance within RollWorks.
  2. Pushing RollWorks audiences to LinkedIn will allow you to use their full range of ad formats; however, campaign data will not write back to RollWorks.
Your tasks Feature unlocked Instructions

☑️ Linkedin business page is connected to RollWorks.

☑️ You must have at least one Account List ready to go.

Choose one of the following:

☑️ Launch a LinkedIn campaign directly in RollWorks 


☑️ Push Account Lists and Groups to your Linkedin campaign manager account.

Reach the same accounts you are targeting on the web with LinkedIn ads.

Measure the impact of your LinkedIn ad campaigns and review performance metrics on the LinkedIn Campaign Summary Page.

Read this guide to learn more about launching LinkedIn campaigns directly from RollWorks.

Read this guide to push your Account Lists to your LinkedIn account to run campaigns directly from LinkedIn.



Launch Social Campaigns

By running your Facebook and Instagram campaigns through the RollWorks platform, you can manage cross-channel campaigns all in one place, inclusive of audience segments, budgets, and optimizations.

Your tasks Feature unlocked Instructions

☑️ Make sure to connect your  Facebook business account to your RollWorks account. 

☑️ If you would like to also run on Instagram, you must connect your Instagram account to your Facebook Business page.

☑️ Launch a Facebook/Instagram Campaign using our step-by-step guide.

Using the RollWorks Platform, you can activate against the following campaign types on Facebook/Instagram:

  • Prospecting
  • Site Retargeting 
  • Contact Audience Targeting

Run cross-channel campaigns for your ABM program and measure the performance of your Facebook campaigns.

Learn more about the supported ad types on Facebook and Instagram. 

Read this guide for step-by-step instructions on how to launch a campaign.


 Next Steps

Continue with your next onboarding phase: Measure your ABM program. 


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