Good to know
- HubSpot Company Index Pages can be saved as a tab for quick access
- You can create multiple Company Index Pages by adding different filtering and sorting combinations and saving multiple views as tabs
- Learn more about how to use Index Pages in this HubSpot Knowledge Base article.
Who can access
Access to the Sales Insights Account Spike data depends on your RollWorks package:
Your Package | Sales Insights Account Spike Data |
Account Based Advertising | Not Included |
Account Based Marketing + Advertising | Included |
Account Based Marketing | Included |
Starter (Legacy) | Included |
Standard (Legacy) | Included |
Professional (Legacy) | Included |
Ultimate (Legacy) | Included |
Free Tier | Not Included |
To find your current package, log in to RollWorks and navigate to Settings > Billing > Plans & Usage.
Create an Index Page
In HubSpot when you click on the Companies available under the CRM tab through the left hand side navigation menu you will be taken to the Company Index Page.
Here you can create basic Company Views of your HubSpot Company records. You can add 'Columns' and ' Advanced Filters' for Account Spike data to customize it. The result will be a list view of Companies that match the criteria you filtered for and are displayed in the order you prefer by sorting columns. Creating your own Company Index Pages using Sales Insights data is a great way to have quick access to a relevant list of Companies you should prioritize and keep top of mind:
- Login to HubSpot, click the CRM tab, and select Companies.
- Click Add view.
Click Create new view.
- Name your view Companies Spiking (RW) and click Save.
- A new tab will appear for your new Company List called Companies Spiking (RW).
- Click Edit Columns.
- Search 'spike' to find the RollWorks Account Spike data available and select the four properties Spike Date, Spike Level, Spike Reason and Spike: Number of Matched Contacts and click Apply.
- Click Advanced Filters, search the word spike and click the Company Property Spike Date.
- Apply the filter: Spike Date is Last 30 days.
- Sort by Spike Date to view the most recent Spiking Companies.
- Don't forget to click Save View.
You are done! The resulting Company List includes all your HubSpot Company records that have had an Account Spike in the past. You can add more filters and customize this basic Company view as needed.