Visitor Consent: Choosing a Cookie Consent Banner

 Legal Note

This is not legal advice, but rather guidelines based on the current regulatory activity in the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), Brazil (BR), Canada (CAD), and NextRoll’s services. The guidelines may change over time to reflect updated best practices. You should consult with your own counsel, privacy professionals, and/or internal resources to determine a comprehensive and appropriate cookie consent solution for your business and your marketing activities.


What is a Cookie Consent Banner

A cookie consent banner is a notification that is displayed on websites in the form of a banner or pop-up upon the user's visit that explicitly asks for users' consent before deploying cookies. It does not just inform the user about cookies on a website but asks for their consent first.

To comply with data privacy laws in Europe, Brazil, and Canada you must gather consent on your website before processing the personal data of site visitors or tracking any visitors from Europe, Brazil, or Quebec. To show ads in jurisdictions that require opt-in consent, you will need to make sure your company complies with the various applicable privacy laws, including the EU and UK General Data Protection Regulations (collecting and processing the data collected through the cookie), the ePrivacy Directive (consent to drop cookies), Brazilian Data Protection Law, the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (“LGPD”), and Quebec's data privacy regulation, referred to as Law 25.


When should I implement a Cookie Consent Banner

You must gather consent from EU, UK, and BR visitors with a Cookie Consent Banner if:

  • Your business is located in the EU, UK, BR, or CAD.
  • Your business is located outside of the EU, UK, BR, or CAD and at least one of the following applies to you: 
    • 10% or more of your website traffic is from EU, UK, BR, or CAD visitors.
    • You target EU, UK, BR, or CAD visitors in your campaigns.
    • You accept any EU, UK, BR, or CAD currency on your website.
    • You translate your website into languages spoken in the EU, UK, BR, or CAD.

Read the table below to understand important considerations that apply to you based on your company location.

Where is your company located? Cookie Consent Banner considerations
Outside of the EU, UK, BR, and CAD.

If you do not implement a Cookie Consent Banner:

  • RollWorks will not track any traffic from EU, UK, BR, and Quebec visitors and you will not be able to advertise to these visitors.

If you implement a Cookie Consent Banner:

  • Only your traffic from the EU, UK, BR, and Quebec will be presented with the Cookie Content Banner to gather consent.
  • Your traffic from other locations (i.e. US) will not be presented with the Cookie Consent Banner.

Even if your company is located outside of the EU, UK, BR, and CAD you must implement a Cookie Content Banner if any of the following apply to you:

  • > 10% of your website traffic is from the EU, UK, BR, or Quebec.
  • You target these visitors in your campaigns.
  • You accept any EU, UK, BR, or CAD currency on your website.
  • You translate your website into languages spoken in the EU, UK, BR, or CAD.
In the EU, UK, BR, or CAD.
  • You must gather consent from all visitors from the EU, UK, BR, or Quebec through a Cookie Consent Banner.
  • All your website traffic, regardless of visitor location, will be presented with the Cookie Consent Banner.


What visitors will see my Cookie Consent Banner

Consent gathered through a Cookie Consent Banner is shown to your website visitors as follows:

Where is my company located? Who will see my Cookie Consent Banner?
Outside of the EU, UK, BR, or CAD. Only visitors with an EU, UK, BR, or Quebec IP address. Your traffic from other locations (i.e. US) will not see the Cookie Consent Banner.
In the EU, UK, BR, or Quebec. All your visitors.


Cookie Consent Banner choices

The RollWorks platform gives you three different Cookie Content Banner choices:

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Option 1: Use NextRoll's Cookie Consent Banner [🏅RECOMMENDED]

Our Recommended choice

The NextRoll Cookie Consent Banner is the easiest choice and can be automatically implemented with just one click. This is a simple solution that does not require any additional work. Learn more about implementing the NextRoll Cookie Consent Banner in this article.

The NextRoll Cookie Consent Banner will appear in the bottom right corner when a visitor lands on your site. The visitor will then have to either Decline All or Allow All the tracking activity.


Option 2: Use a Custom Cookie Consent Banner

Potential delays when choosing a custom banner

If you choose to use a custom banner or a third-party banner, RollWorks may require a review period and approval before your banner can go live. Learn more about implementing a Custom Cookie Consent Banner in this article.

A custom banner or a third-party banner might be the right choice for you if you have other tracking banners, especially banners that use cookies on your site.

Below are some supported third-party Cookie Consent Banners:

We’ve compiled our suggested best practices to implement a Custom Cookie Consent Banner if you choose to use a third-party consent banner or your own consent banner.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a Cookie Consent Banner (also called a "consent management platform" or "CMP") that integrates with the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework and is configured properly to meet our criteria

Option 3: No Banner

If you choose not to implement a Cookie Consent Banner on your website, RollWorks will not track any traffic from EU, UK, BR, or CAD visitors and you will not be able to target these visitors with advertising.

Based on your company location, your website traffic, and other criteria you may be obligated to implement a Cookie Consent Banner on your website. Please read the Cookie Consent Banner requirements before you select to move forward without a banner.

Consult your website developer

We do not provide solutions for custom consent banners other than NextRoll's, given they are specialized 3rd party tools – and often use consent data ingested from other 3rd party tools. Please consult your web developer for help.


How to choose your Cookie Consent Banner

  1. Log in to Rollworks.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Data Collection > Visitor Consent.

Here you can select one of the three Cookie Content Banner choices we offer you. Click Save to ensure your selection is saved.


Tracking visitors that do not grant consent

When you implement a Cookie Consent Banner, we will present the banner to visitors based on the logic below.

Where is my company located? Who will see my Cookie Consent Banner?
Outside of the EU, UK, BR, and CAD. Only visitors with an EU, UK, BR, or Quebec IP address. Your traffic from other locations (i.e. US) will not see the Cookie Consent Banner.
In the EU, UK, BR or CAD. All visitors from the EU, UK, BR or Quebec.

Any visitors that are presented with the banner but that do not grant consent will not be tracked by the pixel, therefore you will not see any page views tracked in RollWorks, even if they click on an ad.

Your website visitors are tracked by RollWorks only after the Pixel fires.

  • If your visitor leaves your website before they accept the Cookie Consent Banner, the Pixel will not fire and they will not be tracked by RollWorks.
  • If a visitor leaves your website before the Pixel loads, the visitor will not be added to your Website Audience.

Keep in mind that not all visitors may be presented with your Cookie Consent Banner, this depends on your location and your website's traffic location. Jump to this section to learn who will be presented with the cookie consent banner.

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