[LEGACY] Salesforce Reporting: Out-of-the-box reports

  Transition to new custom objects starts September 2024

RollWorks will release new Salesforce custom objects and reports to all customers by September 1st 2024 and will continue to write data to both old and new custom objects for 90 days to give you time to transition your Salesforce reports, dashboards, or automations to read from the new custom objects.

No change is required if you do not use RollWorks data in any Salesforce reports, dashboards, or automations. The legacy custom objects and out of the box reports will be deprecated in early January 2025.

Learn more about how to transition to the new objects here.


Out-of-the-box RollWorks reports in Salesforce

The RollWorks Integration with Salesforce writes back advertising performance and account identification to your Salesforce instance using custom objects.

Upon installation of the RollWorks ABM App for Salesforce four 'out-of-the-box' report templates will be automatically created in Salesforce to help you get started with your reporting needs in Salesforce. You can use the out of the box reports as is, or customize them to your needs:

Account Summary Report

This out-of-the-box report based on the ‘RollWorks Advertising’ custom object shows you a list of existing Salesforce accounts grouped by Account Owner with their corresponding RollWorks advertising metrics:

  • Advertising Spend
  • Clicks
  • Click Conversion (CTC)
  • Impressions
  • Page Views
  • View Conversions (VTC)
  • Look Back Days

The advertising metrics above are aggregated for each account for an amount of time equal to the look-back days. You can switch this default lookback period by changing the Salesforce setting called 'Tracking Data Timeframe'.

Contact Summary Report
This out-of-the-box report based on the ‘RollWorks User Summary’ custom object shows you a list of existing Salesforce contacts grouped by Account Name with their corresponding RollWorks advertising metrics:
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Click Conversion (CTC)
  • View Conversions (VTC)
  • Impression Costs

The advertising metrics above are aggregated for each contact for an amount of time equal to the look-back days. You can switch this default lookback period by changing the Salesforce setting called 'Tracking Data Timeframe'.

Lead Summary Report
This out-of-the-box report based on the 'RollWorks User Summary' custom object shows you all leads matched by RollWorks Tracking Data grouped by Lead Status with their corresponding RollWorks advertising metrics:
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Click Conversion (CTC)
  • View Conversions (VTC)
  • Impression Costs

The advertising metrics above are aggregated for each contact for an amount of time equal to the look-back days. You can switch this default lookback period by changing the Salesforce setting called 'Tracking Data Timeframe'.

Account Spike Report

Once you have completed the initial setup of Sales Insights and you have assigned Sales Insights seats to your sales team, the Account Spike data will begin pushing into Salesforce for accounts assigned to those users.

The out-of-the-box Account Spike report will show you a list of Accounts spiking grouped by Account Owner including Account Name, Spike Level, Account last activity, Spike Score Reason, and Last Spike timestamp. Click here to learn more about Account Spike Reports in Salesforce.


Use Out-of-the-box reports as a template to create new reports

You can make a copy of any out-of-the-box report and then apply edits like adding filters, adding columns and rows of data, and adding different groupings. You may want to ask for help to your CRM admin depending on the complexity of the report you are looking to build in Salesforce.

The table below will help you to determine which out-of-the-box report you should use as a template based on which RollWorks data fields will be available to pull from.

Out-of-the-box report Data objects/fields available

- Account Summary Report

'RollWorks Advertising' custom object fields:

- Impressions

- Impression Costs

- Clicks

- Page Views

- Click Conversions (CTC)

- View Conversions (VTC)

Your Own Standard Account object fields:

- For example Account Owner, Account Name, and any field under your Standard Account object.


- Account Spike Report

'RollWorks Account Data' custom object fields:

- Account List & Account Group

- ICP Name & Fit Grade

- Journey Stage & Journey Stage as of

- Spike Level, Last Spike Timestamp, Spike Had matched contacts, Spike Score reason, 

- Unique visitors (last 30 days), unique visitors as of

Your own Standard Account object fields:

- For example Account Owner, Team Roles, Account Name, and any custom field under your Standard Account object. 

- Contact Summary Report


'RollWorks Contact Summary' custom object fields:

- Impressions

- Clicks

- Click Conversions (CTC)

- View Conversions (VTC)

- Page Views

Your Own Standard Contact object fields:

- For example Contact Owner, email, Title, and any custom field under your Standard Contact object.

- Lead Summary Report

'RollWorks Contact Summary' custom fields:

- Impressions

- Clicks

- Click Conversions (CTC)

- View Conversions (VTC)

- Page Views

Your Own Lead fields:

- For example Lead status, email, Title, and any custom field under your Standard Contact object.


CRM Admin pre-requirements to use reports

Before you start using the out-of-the-box reports Salesforce reports we strongly suggest that you complete the following steps to get the most out of using RollWorks reports and metrics in Salesforce:

Requirements Why is this important?

Confirm the default 30-day Tracking Data Timeframe works for your reporting needs.

Continue reading this article to learn how.

RollWorks advertising data is summarized in your Salesforce fields for the time period configured in the 'Tracking Data Timeframe' Salesforce setting. It is important that you know how this lookback period is used to aggregate RollWorks advertising metrics.

Share the RollWorks Custom Reports folder with any Salesforce users that need access.

Jump to this section to learn how.

This step is required to ensure that all the team members that need access to view RollWorks out-of-the-box report templates can access them.


Confirm the Tracking Data Timeframe

  Tracking Data Timeframe will be deprecated

in September 2024 RollWorks will release new Salesforce custom objects and reports that do not use the Tracking Data Timeframe setting as a look-back window. Instead, for each RollWorks Advertising and Engagement metric, you will find 4 different custom fields so that you can build your reports using 4 different look-back periods: 7, 30, 60, and 90 days. Learn how to transition to the new objects here

The 'Tracking Data Timeframe' is the look-back window in which RollWorks Advertising data is aggregated and displayed in Salesforce for your Accounts, Contacts, and Leads.


If your Tracking Data Timeframe is set to 30 days, 'RollWorks Clicks' in Salesforce will be the total clicks for a rolling 30-day look-back window. If you change the Tracking Data Frame to 7 days, 'RollWorks Clicks' in Salesforce will be lower, accounting for the total clicks for a rolling 7-day lookback window.

The default Tracking Data Timeframe value is set to 30 days in Salesforce. It is important that you understand this and change it if this does not work for your reporting needs. To change it, contact your Salesforce Administrator and follow the steps below:

  • Log in to Salesforce and Navigate to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Setting
  • Click Manage next to the RollWorks Acct Based Marketing Settings custom setting


  • Click Edit and enter your desired Tracking Data Timeframe (days) value
  • Click Save



Share access to RollWorks reports

Contact your Salesforce Administrator

Before you or your team members can view and access these RollWorks reports in Salesforce, the folder called RollWorks Custom Reports must first be shared with you and your team by your Salesforce Admin.

The following steps must be completed by your Salesforce System Admin:

  • Log in to Salesforce and click the Reports tab
  • Click Shared with me in the left side panel
  • Type rollworks


  • Based on your Salesforce version choose one of the options below:
    1. For Salesforce Lightning follow the steps in this Salesforce article.
    2. For Salesforce Classicfollow the steps in this Salesforce article and the additional step-by-step instructions below:
      • In the native Salesforce Reports tab, search for the folder provided by our RollWorks ABM App labeled RollWorks Custom Reports. Hover over the folder so the pin icon is displayed and click Share


      • Select which groups you'd like to share access to the reports folder with. We recommend sharing with all marketing and sales-related groups that will be utilizing the RollWorks platform.
      • Confirm all the Salesforce users in these groups have the RollWorks Admin permission set in Salesforce.

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FAQ & Troubleshooting

Why I cannot see the out-of-the-box RollWorks Custom Reports in Salesforce?

If you are unable to see the out-of-the-box RollWorks reports in Salesforce or you are unable to create new reports using Salesforce data, your Salesforce Administrator may need to change your user permissions in Salesforce. Contact your Salesforce Administrator to ensure the following:

Your Salesforce user has the ‘RollWorks Admin’ permissions assigned.

The folder 'RollWorks Custom Reports' is shared with you and your team in Salesforce.


Why I cannot see any data in my RollWorks Custom Reports in Salesforce?

If you are able to see RollWorks Custom Reports, but the data is blank contact your CRM administrator to ensure the following:

  • The Salesforce user experiencing the problem has RollWorks Admin permissions assigned.
  • The Salesforce Administrator who originally authenticated the App, is an active Salesforce user, with the permission set RollWorks Admin.
  • Confirm the RollWorks<>Salesforce Integration sync has not been stopped.


Why is there a discrepancy between advertising metrics in the RollWorks dashboard and in my Salesforce reports? 

The advertising metrics you can see in the RollWorks platform and directly in Salesforce may slightly differ due to how often data is pushed to Salesforce compared to the relative real-time calculation in Rollworks.  For this reason, you can expect to see a discrepancy lower than 10% for advertising metrics.


Why do I see very few contacts and leads with associated RollWorks Advertising metrics?

RollWorks Advertising metrics (page views, ad clicks, etc) are synced over for your Salesforce contacts and leads when all three conditions below are true:

  1. The contact already exists in your Salesforce instance with a valid email address.
  2. The contact visits your website and submits their email address by completing a form fill which is captured by the Pixel.
  3. The email address captured by the Pixel is an exact 1-to-1 match with the email address in your Salesforce Contact record.

If a contact does not complete a lead conversion form fill using the same email address you have on record in your CRM, we will not be able to match them and write the advertising data for that contact.

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