Make Payments for a Suspended Account

Billing accounts can be suspended for any of the following reasons:

  • Billing issues
    • Insufficient funds
    • Insertion order issue
    • Past-due invoices
  • Policy Issues
    • Insufficient site privacy policy
    • Missing campaign or ad elements
    • Ads or website didn't meet our policy standards


Suspended Due to Billing

To activate your suspended account:

  1. Navigate to the Settings gear icon in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click Billing History under Billing. 
  3. Click on the posted invoice.
  4. Select Payment Method.
  5. Click Pay.

Learn more about how to update or remove a payment method. Once all invoices are paid, your account suspension will lift automatically within 90 minutes.

Post-paid billing accounts

Please contact your Account Manager to resolve billing issues related to Insertion Orders.

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