This document covers the steps for configuring the RollWorks Site Traffic Revealer for Adobe Analytics.
Enable Site Traffic Revealer in RollWorks
- In RollWorks, Navigate to the Site Traffic Revealer Settings dashboard here:
- Toggle the Enable switch to on.
- Select “Do not send data to Google Analytics”.
- Click “Save”.
Create eVars (custom variables) in Adobe Analytics
- In Adobe Analytics, navigate to the Report Suite Manager by clicking “Report suites” under the Admin menu.
- Select the Report Suite you would like to set up.
Refer to Adobe’s documentation on creating a report suite if you have not yet created a suite.
- Navigate to the report suite’s Conversion Variables page by clicking Edit Settings > Conversion > Conversion Variables.
- On the Conversion Variables page, click “Add New” to add an unused eVar to the report suite.
- Set the following variable fields to:
- Name: RollWorks Company Domain
- Status: Enabled
- Type: Text String
- Allocation: Linear
- Expire After: Visit
- Click “Save”.
- Repeat the above steps for the following metrics:
- Name: RollWorks Company Name
- Status: Enabled
- Type: Text String
- Allocation: Linear
- Expire After: Visit
- Name: RollWorks Company Industry
- Status: Enabled
- Type: Text String
- Allocation: Linear
- Expire After: Visit
- Name: RollWorks Company Revenue
- Status: Enabled
- Type: Text String
- Allocation: Linear
- Expire After: Visit
- Name: RollWorks Company Size
- Status: Enabled
- Type: Text String
- Allocation: Linear
- Expire After: Visit
Configure Extensions in Adobe Tags
- In Adobe Tags (formerly known as DTM or Launch), within the Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection app, select the property that contains the Tag to update.
Refer to Adobe’s documentation on creating a Tag property if you have not yet created a property.
- Navigate to “Extensions” and verify that the following extensions are installed, configured, and saved to your library: Adobe Analytics, Adobe Client Data Layer, Core.
For installing and configuring any extensions, refer to Adobe’s documentation on Tag extensions for more information:
Create Data Elements in Adobe Tags
- In your relevant Tag property, navigate to “Data Elements”.
- Click “Add Data Element”.
- Set the following fields to:
- Name: RollWorks Company Domain
- Extension: Adobe Client Data Layer
- Data Element Type: Data Layer Computed State
- [Optional] Path: domain
- Click “Save to Library”.
- Repeat the above steps for the following Data Elements:
- Name: RollWorks Company Name
- Extension: Adobe Client Data Layer
- Data Element Type: Data Layer Computed State
- [Optional] Path: company_name
- Name: RollWorks Company Industry
- Extension: Adobe Client Data Layer
- Data Element Type: Data Layer Computed State
- [Optional] Path: company_industry
- Name: RollWorks Company Revenue
- Extension: Adobe Client Data Layer
- Data Element Type: Data Layer Computed State
- [Optional] Path: company_revenue
- Name: RollWorks Company Size
- Extension: Adobe Client Data Layer
- Data Element Type: Data Layer Computed State
- [Optional] Path: company_size
Create Rules in Adobe Tags
If you already have a RollWorks Pixel set up, proceed to Creating the Site Traffic Revealer Rule.
Creating the RollWorks Pixel Rule
- In your relevant Tag property, navigate to “Rules”.
- Click “Add Rule”.
- Set the following fields to:
- Name: RollWorks Pixel
- Under the Events section, click “+” to add a new event.
- Set the following fields to:
- Extension: Core
- Event Type: DOM Ready
- Name: Core - DOM Ready
- Click “Keep Changes” to save the event.
- Under the Actions section, click “+” to add a new action.
- Set the following fields to:
- Extension: Core
- Action Type: Custom Code
- Name: RollWorks Pixel
- Language: HTML
- Click “Open Editor”.
- Paste your RollWorks pixel code.
- See here for finding and copying your Pixel code
- Click “Save”.
- Click “Keep Changes” to save the action.
- Click “Save to Library”.
Creating the Site Traffic Revealer Code Rule
- In your relevant Tag property, navigate to “Rules”.
- Select the “RollWorks Pixel” rule (created above).
- Set the following fields to:
- Name: RollWorks Pixel + Site Traffic Revealer
- Under the Actions section, click “RollWorks Pixel”.
- Click “Advanced Options” to expand the section.
- Check “Wait to run next action”.
- Set the “Timeout in milliseconds” field to 5000.
- Click “Keep Changes” to save the action.
- Under the Actions section, click “+” to add a new action.
- Set the following fields to:
- Extension: Core
- Action Type: Custom Code
- Name: RollWorks - Site Traffic Revealer
- Language: HTML
- Click “Open Editor”.
- Paste the RollWorks Site Traffic Revealer Code (see below).
- Click “Save”.
- Click “Keep Changes” to save the action.
- Click “Save to Library".
RollWorks Site Traffic Revealer Code
<script> (function() { if (typeof __adroll === "undefined") { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); return; } try { var dataLayer = __adroll._ensure_global("adobeDataLayer", {}); var advEid = __adroll._ensure_global("adroll_adv_id", ""); var pixEid = __adroll._ensure_global("adroll_pix_id", ""); var configureAdobeAnalytics = function(personalizationData) { personalizationData.event = "rollworks_personlization"; dataLayer.push(personalizationData); } __adroll._b2bPersonalizationDataCbAdobe = function(personalizationDataResponse) { var personalizationData = personalizationDataResponse.user_attributes; if (Object.keys(personalizationData).length > 0) { configureAdobeAnalytics(personalizationData); } }; if (dataLayer.constructor === Array) { __adroll.add_script_element( __adroll._srv("/user_attrs?advertisable_eid=" + advEid + "&keys_eid=" + pixEid + "&first_party=false&jsonp=__adroll._b2bPersonalizationDataCbAdobe") ); } } catch (err) {} })(); </script> |
Creating the Site Traffic Revealer to Analytics Rule
- In your relevant Tag property, navigate to “Rules”.
- Click “Add Rule”.
- Set the following fields to:
- Name: RollWorks Site Traffic Revealer to Analytics
- Under the Events section, click “+” to add a new event.
- Set the following fields to:
- Extension: Adobe Client Data Layer
- Event Type: Data Pushed
- Name: Adobe Client Data Layer - Data Pushed
- Listen to: Specific Event
- Time scope: All
- Event / Key to register for: rollworks_personlization
- Click “Keep Changes” to save the event.
- Under the Actions section, click “+” to add a new action.
- Set the following fields to:
- Extension: Adobe Analytics
- Action Type: Set Variables
- Name: Set RollWorks Adobe Analytics Variables
- Variables
- Under “eVars” select the eVar for “RollWorks Company Domain”.
- Click the Data Element button and select the “RollWorks Company Domain” element.
- Alternatively, you can just set it as %RollWorks Company Domain%
- Alternatively, you can just set it as %RollWorks Company Domain%
- Click Add Another and repeat the above steps for:
- RollWorks Company Name
- RollWorks Company Industry
- RollWorks Company Revenue
- RollWorks Company Size
- Click “Keep Changes” to save the action.
- Under the Actions section, click “+” to add another new action.
- Set the following fields to:
- Extension: Adobe Analytics
- Action Type: Send Beacon
- Name: Send RollWorks Data to Adobe Analytics
- Tracking:
- Click “Keep Changes” to save the action.
- Click “Save to Library”.
Build and Publish your Adobe Tag Library
Once the above steps have been completed, don’t forget to build and publish your tag library changes. Please refer to Adobe’s documentation on building and publishing a tag library.