Launch RollWorks Workflows using Salesforce actions

A RollWorks Workflow is an automated sequence of steps defined in RollWorks that takes action on contacts across external platforms. Click here to learn how this feature helps you automate your GTM strategy. RollWorks Workflows are configured using two elements:

  • A Trigger: a set of criteria that defines when a workflow executes.
  • An Action: Operations that can be performed on the contacts that enter a workflow. The actions available for Salesforce are Add Contact/Lead to Campaign and Update contact/lead Field Value.

  These actions do not create new Contacts/Lead records in Salesforce

Please note that these actions do not create new contact/lead records in Salesforce. However, the Add Contact/Lead to Campaign action does create a new campaign member object corresponding to the respective contact or lead.


Who can access

Access to Workflows depends on your RollWorks subscription package:

Your Package Workflows
Standard Advertising Not included
Advanced Advertising Not included
ABM Included
ABM with Advanced Advertising Included
Starter (Legacy) Included
Standard (Legacy) Included
Professional (Legacy) Included
Ultimate (Legacy) Included
Free Tier Not included

To find your current subscription, log in to RollWorks and navigate to Settings > Billing > Plans & Usage.


Before you start

Before you launch a RollWorks Workflow using Salesforce, actions the following is required:

  • You must authenticate RollWorks with Salesforce. If you have not previously connected your Salesforce account to RollWorks, go through the instructions in this article to connect them. You only need to complete this authentication once.
  • A Salesforce subscription.
  • Campaigns created in Salesforce (for the Add Contact/Lead to Campaign action).


Create a RollWorks Workflow

Step 1.  Create a New Workflow

Log in to RollWorks and go to the Workflows section, which is accessible via the main navigation menu.

You can either create a new blank workflow, you can use a template, or you can clone an existing workflow and modify it.


    1. Create a new blank Workflow starting from scratch
        • Click the Create Workflow button in the upper-right corner.
    2. Create a workflow using a Template
        • Select one of the workflow templates available to start a workflow with preset triggers and actions. To learn more about each of the available templates you can go to this article
    3. Clone an existing workflow
        • You can clone an existing Workflow by clicking the vertical ellipsis and selecting to reuse or modify its logic.


Step 2. Select the Trigger

Click Select Trigger and choose one of the two options:

  • Custom Criteria to set your criteria
  • List Membership  to use your already existing Enhanced Contact List

Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 8.11.36 PM.png

Click Apply


Step 3. Select the Action

  • Select one of the actions under the Salesforce heading in the Action menu:
    • Add Contact/Lead to a Campaign.
    • Update Contact/Lead Record.
  • Click Apply.


For the Add Contact/Lead to a Campaign action:

  1. You must choose whether this action will apply to either Contacts or Leads. Consider creating two separate workflows if you would like to action both Contacts and Leads.
  2. Select a Salesforce Campaign. Not all campaigns from Salesforce show up in the dropdown initially - type in the search box to find the campaign you are looking for.
  3. Select a Campaign Member Status.
  4. If there are any other required fields on the Campaign Member object, you must set a value for those fields.
    • Exception: Fields that Salesforce automatically populates with a value upon creation are not required here, even if the field is required in Salesforce. 
  5. Optional: Update additional custom fields on the Campaign Member Object.

  This action will update the existing Campaign Member record

This action will add a contact or lead to a Salesforce campaign, thereby creating a corresponding Campaign Member record. However if the contact or lead already belongs to the campaign and a Campaign Member record exists, this action will update the existing Campaign Member record and overwrite the Campaign Member Status and any other selected fields.


For the Update Contact/Lead Record action:

  1. You must choose whether this action will apply to either Contacts or Leads. Consider creating two separate workflows if you would like to action both Contacts and Leads.
  2. Select a field to update. 
    • Most custom fields and field types are supported (certain field types, such as Formula fields, cannot be updated with Workflows).
    • Required fields in Salesforce are not required in this action since this action updates an existing contact or lead record.
  3. Enter the field value you want to apply to the field. Note that this value will overwrite any existing value the individual contact or lead may have. 
  4. Click More Fields to update additional fields at the same time. You can update an unlimited number of fields.


Step 4. Configure Enrollment Settings & Turn Workflow On

Click Next in the upper right if everything looks good with your workflow. This will take you to the Settings panel shown below.

Under Settings configure the following:

  • Enter a Workflow Name. We recommend giving your workflow a descriptive name that summarizes who it is targeting and what actions it will be triggering.
  • Under Existing Contacts Enrollment, you can define whether you want the contacts that currently match the trigger criteria to be enrolled in the workflow, or whether you want to exclude them from the workflow:
    • It can be helpful to choose the No option when creating a workflow that triggers alerts so that the creation of the workflow does not initially trigger a large number of alerts.
    • If you do choose the No option, note that those contacts will not be eligible to enroll in the workflow, even if they meet the trigger criteria again at a later time.
    • You may also preview the contacts that currently meet the trigger criteria:

Review your Settings and when you are confident they are correct, click the Turn Workflow On button in the upper right to save your workflow and immediately activate it. You will be redirected to the Workflows list view.

 Turn on and save your workflow

RollWorks does not yet offer the ability to save your workflow without turning it on. However, you do have the option of turning the workflow off once it has been created. 

After clicking Turn Workflow On, if you have opted to enroll existing contacts they will be enrolled immediately into the workflow. If your contact list is larger than 5,000 contacts, your list will be processed in batches of 5,000 every 6 hours.

Additionally, the workflow will check for new contacts that meet the contact list criteria every 6 hours and enroll those new contacts into the workflow.



Under re-enrollment, you can define whether you want the contacts that meet the trigger conditions to never be able to re-enter the workflow or to be able to re-enter the workflow every user-specified number of days.

Please note that this currently applies to all contacts who meet the trigger criteria at the time of the creation of the workflow, even If you select No, only enroll contacts who meet the trigger criteria after turning on. In that case, those contacts will be excluded from the initial run of the workflow as well as all future runs.

Manage existing Workflows

From the Workflows list view, you can turn individual workflows on or off, as well as edit or delete individual workflows:


Edit a workflow

To edit existing workflows, click the Edit option in the dropdown menu next to each individual workflow. When saving an existing workflow, it will maintain its existing status (Off workflows will remain Off; On workflows will remain On).


View which contacts are enrolled in a workflow

If you hover over the View Log link under the Total Enrolled column, you can see how many contacts were enrolled in the workflow since its creation. You can also download a CSV file that contains a detailed log of all contacts that qualified for the trigger criteria over the last 30 days, whether the contacts successfully enrolled in the workflow or not, as well as any relevant error messages by clicking the Download 30-day Report link.

This report can be useful for troubleshooting purposes in conjunction with audit log functionality in destination platforms.


Best Practices

  • Carefully consider which are the best fields to update within a given workflow. You may want to consult with an Ops team member to ensure you are operating on the correct fields.
  • Set a trigger that produces records of the type you will be actioning, either contacts or leads. You can do this by applying either a Salesforce Contact Filter or a Salesforce Lead Filter to your Enhanced Contact List criteria. This does not affect the end result of the workflow, however, it will produce fewer errors and may reduce the number of API calls made to Salesforce.
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