How do I find my GA4 Tag ID?

  Google resources

For the most up-to-date instructions on how to find your GA4 Tag ID visit this guide in Google's Help Center.


To set up a GA4 property for your website, you need a Google Tag ID, also known as Measurement ID. A Google tag ID is a series of letters and numbers that usually starts with "G-". A Measurement ID is an identifier (e.g., G-12345) for a web data stream. You can use the Measurement ID to send data to a specific web data stream.

To find your GA4 Tag ID, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account
  2. Click Admin
  3. At the top of the Property column, select your property

  4. In the Property column, click Data streams

    Don't see a Data streams option in the Property column? You have a Universal Analytics property instead of a GA4 property
  5. Click the data stream

  6. In the Google tag section at the bottom of the Web stream details page, click Configure tag settings

  7. In the Your Google tag section on the Google tag page, copy the ID that starts with "G-"

    Measurement ID in the Web stream details pane

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