Google resources
For the most up-to-date instructions on how to find your GA4 Tag ID visit this guide in Google's Help Center.
To set up a GA4 property for your website, you need a Google Tag ID, also known as Measurement ID. A Google tag ID is a series of letters and numbers that usually starts with "G-". A Measurement ID is an identifier (e.g., G-12345) for a web data stream. You can use the Measurement ID to send data to a specific web data stream.
To find your GA4 Tag ID, do the following:
- Sign in to your Google Analytics account
- Click Admin
- At the top of the Property column, select your property
- In the Property column, click Data streams
Don't see a Data streams option in the Property column? You have a Universal Analytics property instead of a GA4 property
- Click the data stream
- In the Google tag section at the bottom of the Web stream details page, click Configure tag settings
- In the Your Google tag section on the Google tag page, copy the ID that starts with "G-"