[NEW] Exposing RollWorks Aggregated Account Data on Account in Salesforce for Reporting

Before you start

After completing the initial Salesforce Integration setup, RollWorks will automatically create custom objects and custom fields in your Salesforce so that we can export RollWorks data and you can build reports and dashboards in Salesforce and trigger workflows using RollWorks data.

While these custom objects and custom fields containing RollWorks data are linked directly to your Account, Contact, and Lead records in Salesforce, you may choose to bring over certain custom fields directly into the Account object to allow for more robust reporting capabilities. This is a straightforward solution including the creation of custom formula fields and a Flow to populate a lookup field on Account fields from the related Aggregated Data record, yet will require the following steps to be completed by your Salesforce Administrator.

This specific example will walk you through how to add Page Views in the Last 30 Days and Current Journey Stage to your Account record in Salesforce, although you could do the same for other fields like Ad Clicks, Impressions, etc. You may also replicate this same process to expose data from the RollWorks Aggregated Lead/Contact Data record on the Contact object.

Contact your Salesforce Administrator

Your Salesforce Administrator must manually create the custom fields on Account and a Flow to trigger automation to populate these fields from the related RollWorks Account Data records.


Create Lookup Relationship Custom Fields

First, create a custom field (lookup relationship) on the Account for the RollWorks Aggregated Account Data object. We will create simple automation in the next step to populate this field when RollWorks Aggregated Data Records are created. For the data points that you want to expose on Account from RollWorks, you will also need to create a formula field for each data point. For example, if you would like to capture Page Views in the last 30 Days and Current Journey Stage, create two separate formula fields on Account. 

To create the lookup relationship field:

  • Go to Setup > Object Manager > Account
  • From there, click on Fields & Relationships and select New
  • The data type of the field should be Lookup Relationship, and the related object is RollWorks Aggregated Account Data
  • Click on Next and save the field after naming and providing details


To create the data point formula fields:

  • Go to Setup > Object Manager > Account
  • From there, click on Fields & Relationships and select New
  • The data type of the field should be Formula, and the formula return type should match the type of the field you want to pull in from the RollWorks Aggregated Account Data record. For example, for Page Views in the Last 30 Days, you will select Number
  • Click on Next to create the formula. Use the advanced formula tab and Insert Field button to pull in the specific field that you need from the related RollWorks Aggregated Account Data object. Then click Insert and then Next after providing details


Create a Flow 

Once you have your fields created, you are ready to create the Flow to automate populating the Account Lookup Relationship field from the related RollWorks Aggregated Account Data record

  • To create your flow, go Setup > Flows and select New Flow

  • From here a popup window will appear to select the type of Flow. Select Start from Scratch, Next, Record-Triggered Flow and then Create

For the Configure Start Screen, select the following options and click Save:

  • Object: RollWorks Aggregated Account Data
  • Configure Trigger: A record is created
  • Set Entry Conditions: All Conditions are Met
    • Field: adroll__Account_Id__c 
    • Operator: isnull
    • Value: False
  • Optimize the Flow for: Actions and Related Records

Now our Flow Builder is open and ready to configure. 

  • Click on the + right below the Start node and select the Update Records element. 
  • Name the Label and add a Description
  • Select “Update records related to the rollworks aggregated account data record that triggered the flow” under the How to Find Records section.
  • Under Set Field Values for the Account Records, select the API name of the lookup field on Account that you created in Step 1 (in this case, RollWorks_Aggregated_Account_Data__c) for the Field. The value should be the record ID of the related aggregated account data record that triggered the flow.

Now you are ready to save and activate your Flow. A standard naming convention is recommended, for example: the object that the flow is triggered by and the actions. In this case “RollWorks Account Data Create After Save Flow” is appropriate.


Standard Report Types may be auto-created

Please note that Standard Report Types may be created in some circumstances when an object has a relationship with another object via look-up or master-detail relationship. As a result you may see additional Report Types after exposing data from RollWorks Custom Objects on your Standard objects through lookup fields. Learn more here.


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